September 23, 2010

This Is How I Remember

It's almost a moth ago after my final project assignment, I took 3days off to celebrating sense of freedom a head to Kepulauan Seribu, islands which is located in the north Java. Just spending time away with my dearest old friend, mute. We took the train to Kota, then took a cab to Muara Angke. It's only cost us like 15 thousands rupiah. Thats pretty cheap I think for the value that we were after, paradise.

Okay, i know there was a lot of articles and journal that mention the word heaven in every review of their trip. And may be this picture isn't that beautiful to represent word of paradise to you. But for me, this is for real..

I think that heaven is not just revers to a place, it's more how you really, truthfully feel about some certain place. Paradise is anywhere that you could find yourself lost in a never ending joy. It's where you could find the truth about happiness, where you don't need or even expecting anything to make you happy. Because you already feel the happiness just by being there.

And this is how i remember..

Perhaps being happy is also related to the feeling that you feel when you're with significant person  in your life.
I am grateful to have such a day-late friend like you. Her contribution to make me feel happy as I am is heaven sent for me. Thanks Mut..

1 comment:

  1. benar.. paradise isnt something you are after for the after-life phases.
    paradise is something you feel, contains of joys, vallues, memorable yet heart-pumping stuff.. that is paradise mate.

    so, yeah, I completely agree with your words..

    and I felt that moment was somekind of paradisych too..

    and I certainly wait for another paradise to come..

    sorry common sense and logical people.. ordinary and narrow-minded people,

    you wont ever feel paradise in your life if you could only see what's right, and what's wrong.

    there is my friend having a really good quote:

    "apapun yang benar menurut logika dan realita, kalo ga membuat kamu bahagia -percuma-"

    (courtesy of Pasca Arafah)

    it was nice.
