April 17, 2010

On Love

Adoring someone, sleeping with someone, the emotional exchange, the companionship - is that what we mean by love?

In what they call human love they see there is pleasure, competition, jealousy, the desire to possess, to hold, to control and to interfere with another's thinking, and knowing the complexity of all this they say there must be another kind of love, divine, beautiful, untouched, uncorrupted.

What sex gives you momentarily is the total abandonment of yourself, then you are back again with your turmoil, so you want a repetition over and over again of that state in which there is no worry, no problem, no self.

So what you are really saying is, `As long as you belong to me I love you but the moment you don't I begin to hate you. As long as I can rely on you to satisfy my demands, sexual and otherwise, I love you, but the moment you cease to supply what I want I don't like you.'

*Jiddu Krishnamurti


  1. Jiddu..
    yes, we've been wrong defining what love is

    human gets distracted easily in their real time.

    in fact, love without possession creates wonderful happiness.
    you are free, you are someone who stands proudly and certainly, you're independent, loving, care, out of jealousy.

    you would have never been a fool out of love.

  2. Yes, but it fools me all the time. I wish I could but I'm so human..
